Trusted Advocates
Single Source solutions
Employee Retirement Plans
Retirement plans allow employees to create a tax-deferred investment account through a simple payroll deduction process. A good plan also benefits Employers as it is an outstanding way to attract and retain quality people. We offer low-cost, turnkey solutions for virtually any plan, including 401 (k), Defined Benefit and 403 (b). Through our partnerships with leading insurance companies, mutual funds and third-party administrators, we offer a broad selection of complete administrative solutions. Services include:
Investment Policy Statement
Provides a basis for you to create a plan’s mission statement that clearly describes the selection process of the plan service provider and investment options.
A complete checklist and annual audits to ensure that the information, education and investments in your plan meet your fiduciary responsibilities.
Total Cost Analysis
Transparent disclosure of all the costs associated with your plan and a commitment to regularly evaluating the program to ensure you are getting the best value for the employer and employees.
Customized Employee Education Programs
Employee engagement is critical to plan participation. We tailor the education sessions to meet your schedule and offer ongoing access to licensed securities’ professionals to assist employees with understanding, developing and implementing a long-term retirement plan
Fiduciary Liability
Manage your IRS and Department of Labor compliance obligations through regular plan reviews to ensure it is current with legislative changes such as ERISA and the Pension Protection Act